CMC Sacred Heart Province

About Sacred Heart Province
History of Congregation of the Mother of Carmel

Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (C.M.C) starts her history with Blessed Chavara Kuriakose Elias, who plays major role in the history of the Syrian Church in Kerala. February 13th 1886 witnessed the emergence of the first Indian indigenous religious Congregation for women – CMC at Koonammavu. St Kuriakose Elias Chavara founded the Congregation. Steady growth enabled the C.M.C. to send her daughters all over the world to witness Christ. The erection of the Tellichery diocese in 1953 with Rt. Rev. Dr. Sebastian Valloppilly as its first Bishop paved the way for the growth of church in Malabar. 1956
can be called the inaugural year in the history of C.M.C. in Malabar. Five convents were started in the same year, one of which was at Nadavayal, with four sisters - Sr. Juliana (Superior) Sr. Xavier, Sr. Bosco and Sr. Columba. They started from Palai to the unknown land with the minimum requirements to set up a new convent and the dream was fulfilled on July 26th 1956. Jesus was with them and worked miracles through them. Those five convents multiplied at quick pace. It was separated as a region In 1964, a Vice Province in 1969 and a Province in 1980. The new Province found it difficult to manage the works in two dioceses and three states. Hence followed the birth of Mananthavady region in 1983, after ten years of formation of Mananthavady diocese. Sr. Grace C.M.C. was elected as Regional Superior. The General synaxis of 1989 declared the region as a Vice-Province and Sr. Joselia Mary C.M.C, was its first Vice – Provincial. The 4th Renewal General synaxis, which was held on April 1995 raised the Vice-Province to the status of a full-fledged Province and Sr. Celine C.M.C was its first Provincial. At present Sr. Jasmine Maria CMC is the Provincial Superior, there are 28 houses and 226 members in the Province. The history of C.M.C of Mananthavady is the history of God’s blessings on his people. We remember with profound gratitude the abundant blessings of God our Father and, the motherly care of our Mother of Carmel and the miraculous power and concern of our Founders. Also we ponder the ineffable Services rendered to us by the Generalate, Mother Provinces Palai and Tellichery. We would have been nowhere but for the timely paternal care of the Bishop’s Rt. Rev. Dr. Sebastian Valloppilly, Rt. Rev. Dr. Jacob Thoomkuzhy, Late Rt. Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Pothanamoozhy and Rt. RevDr. Jose Porunnedam and their Co-Workers. We would never forget the brotherly support of the C.M.I Congregation, the diocesan Priests, the other religious Priests, Brothers, Sisters and the parishioners. We pray God Almighty to shower His blessings upon those who contributed to our growth.