CMC Sacred Heart Province

Our Ministries
Jesus told to His disciples "Go into the all world and preach the gospel to all creation" Mark 16:15
The Mission house and the members of CMC sisters from Manathavady Province, working at Satpuli of Bijnor Diocese, serving the people of this region with vigor and spiritual awakening. The sisters who are working at school, helps the students to nurture the values, develop the spiritual life and academically oriented. Special concern and tuitions are provided to the children who are intellectually backward. We gave social concerns by visiting the student's houses as well as neighboring houses and comforted and prayed for the sick people there. During the assembly the Word of God is read every day and also it is displayed in the notice board. The Rosary is offered every evening in the Grotto and people from outside even the Non-christens also participate devotionally. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth (Psalm 145:18). Prayer brings us closer to God because prayer is communicating with God; it helps us build our relationship with him and also with people.
Abroad Mission - Germany
The CMC province of Manathavady has its convent abroad in the Bad Homburg parish in the diocese of Limburg, Germany.Sisters are taking care of the sick people in a Government Hospital here. Following the footsteps of Jesus Christ who always had compassionate and merciful heart to the sick and the afflicted,our sisters become the merciful,consoling and loving face of Christ and thus gives Jesus to the sick.Sisters are also the members of parish council and parish local committee and participate in the meetings.Sisters help the parish in various ways like decorating the alter with flowers and so on. The presence of our sisters is a real blessing to he parishioners.Sisters are also engaged in House visits,visiting the sick and thus ensuring a vibrant realtionship with parishioners and share Gods love with them. More over on evrey Fridays we conduct night vigil. in the convent.We pray for the intentions of the parishioners which are written in a book kept in the parish during the vigil.